Categories for Move or Die
E3 & Upcoming Update
Devlog | PAX East & Achievements
The friendship ruining game is OUT!
Almost 4 years later… it’s finally out!
Almost one year of development & Leveling up system
Man… It has been what.. a year since the last post in this blog?
In other words, the time frame between Move or Die hitting Early Access on Steam and almost being released (will announce release date sometime soon).
The sadness and ethics of the gaming industry
In a few days I will release my first big downloadable game on Steam.
I’ve been making free browser games for the past 5 years and this is the first time I am releasing a non-flash game on Steam that is also not free.
Game Feel Talks and Stickers
Attending events around the country, talking about game feel and planning to print some stickers!
Game Dev Talks
In the past week I’ve been attending various game development events in (almost) the other corner of the country (Iasi). I had a talk about “Game Feel” that I will probably upload online sometime in the following weeks.