Categories for Game Art
This is the second entry in our short series of whimsical interviews with current team members of Those Awesome Guys.
Our second interview lines up Stevie, a man whose alphabet always starts with XYZ.
If you missed our previous interview, Lidia gave some pretty nifty answers last week.
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Since Those Awesome Guys was founded back in 2012, its internal structure never really resembled any accurate definition of a “team”.
With only a handful of people joining and leaving every now an then, collaboration was done throughout shorter or longer terms, but most of the time it was just Nick by himself.
After the release of Move or Die in early 2016, it was pretty clear that the team was long overdue for a much needed expanse, so Nick started to look into various avenues of recruitment.
Mostly posting silly things to reddit and seeing who replied, or foraging through the vast fields of modders until he found something edible, he eventually started filling out positions. These stemmed from the natural needs the studio started to have, rather than a pre-filled out game development studio template.
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Attending events around the country, talking about game feel and planning to print some stickers!
Game Dev Talks
In the past week I’ve been attending various game development events in (almost) the other corner of the country (Iasi). I had a talk about “Game Feel” that I will probably upload online sometime in the following weeks.
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Some UI work regarding the game modes screen and the beginning of a new game mode!
New Rules Screen
Still doing UI work… I redesigned the “Game rules screen” from which you can change the game modes played and the number of rounds required to win the match.
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Finally live on steam and a new awesome teaser trailer video for your eyes to enjoy!
Great news today, we’re live on steam! At least the game’s page is (you can’t purchase the game just yet).
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The new, improved death animation & effects + the awesome new title screen (made in 3D) that will be featured in the following videos!
Death Effect
I realized I forgot to post about this since it has been implemented in the game. A while ago we spiced up the death effect when a player bites the dust.
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Fan art is amazing! The superb drawing made by Kawiku and a preview of the 3D title I’m working on.![](
Background Assets/ Level Prettyfication
In the past week I’ve been continuing the work on the “replacement of background assets” task.
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